Music News

Prince Kaybee Says when It Comes To Music “Family Can Wait!”

Prince Kaybee Says when It Comes To Music “Family Can Wait!” – He seems to enjoy the spotlight and social media attention, Prince Kaybee was shredded into pieces by Social Media. This follows after he divulged information concerning his holiday away with his mother.

He mentioned no matter what the case, work takes a priority in his life “Family Can Wait”. And with that being the factor he had to cut his trip short and send her mama packing.

“Took my mom for a mini vac in Durban last week for 7 days, we got there the first day and I got a call to do a remix and Fetch Your Life has been approved to be part of the biggest compilation in the world (will share news later). Moral of the story? For me, the family can wait.”

Fans shared their thoughts:

Some Fans do get the point:

Trust Tweeps to annihilate Prince Kaybee and pointed out he really enjoys to be noticed and given attention “attention seeking”.They rebuked and condemned him for putting his mother last. 

Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa

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