Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Georgetown Band SA In 2019

Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Georgetown Band SA In 2019 – If you would like to know more about your favourite band then you have come to the right place. Check their top 10 below:
- When they chose the band name, it transpired spontaneously. They were just a couple of friends from Pretoria taking a trip to Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. So, they discovered themselves in the capital city of the Penang state called Georgetown. A gentleman with a Gangnam-Style looking bar owner who also happens to own a guitar and mic. They performed there for the first time.
2. Their (Georgetown’s) sound is retro school, so, they think the modern audiences react with love due to the love and appreciation the music has for their fans through their art. The audience finds it refreshing that the older musical roots still has a spot in the sun.
3. Their sound is Up-tempo, neat Harmonising, feel-good Folk.
4. The group was established in 2014, Georgetown music band have accumulated quality live performance status and are a relevant band to go an watch.
5. They are distinct, they operate a diversity of musical instruments throughout their performance, counting acoustic guitar, piano, ukulele, upright bass, mandolin, harmonica, clarinet, saxophone, a washboard and a 1935 suitcase, encouraging a distinct and creative sound to contemporary and original southern style music.
6. Georgetown is a Pretoria-based pop band comprising of the creative Michael De Villiers, Renaldo van Dyk, Rynier Prins and Tiaan Erasmus.
7. They say Fans who enjoy their music genre are between the ages of 21, focused on trendy, who enjoy a party and drinking. “
Our female followers are continuously in search of something ”different” and out of the ordinary to fulfil some deeper inner emptiness and make sense of this vague perplexity we call life. The males, well they have beards.”
8. The did not know who their target market would be when the band was established. Although, it became vivid that they score gigs from Brides, Beer festivals, Food & Craft markets and 80th Birthday parties
9. The Multi-instrumental Blue-Billy-Folk-Pop band, Georgetown, have emancipated their debut album ‘The Dog Show’ digitally. The title single ‘The Dog Show’
10. The Dog Show’ is the debut is a complete release from Georgetown and is a welcoming gift after 2016’s six-track EP ‘Banana Jack’.
If you would like to follow the band, check them out on Instagram:
Written by: Aphiwe Theodorah Mvinjelwa