Cici Speaks Of How The System Overlooks The Abuse Of Women & Supports Men

Singer and activist Cici continues to speak so openly of the abuse she has endured from men and has taken a step to become a radical activist that seeks to attack norms that oppress women in the most degrading way.
“We live in a society where men feel entitled to a woman’s body. Little things like making remarks about her body as she walks down the street is abusive. I’ve also had to watch a family member go through abuse… And therefore have felt the need to advocate for those who don’t have the means to do it for themselves.” She said speaking to TshisaLIVE.
She added on to say perpetrators should be dealt with accordingly not this lenient punishment they getting.
“The justice system seems to favour perpetrators. I think women have done more than enough. The question should now be what it will take for men to realise that abusing women is not right and realising the impact it has on them. The justice system should see abuse as a serious crime and violation against women and punish perpetrators accordingly.”