Music News

MFR Souls Change Album Title Due To Infringement Issue

MFR Souls Change Album Title Due To Infringement Issue. Before using a name or title artist should look into possible infringement rights which they may be breaking, MFR Soul had to change the name of the recent album as the first title they had chosen had been used and copyrighted by another artist.

MFR Souls Change Album Title Due To Infringement Issue
MFR Souls Change Album Title Due To Infringement Issue

MFR Souls took to twitter just afew days ago to announce to their fans that the initial name for their recent album had to be change. The titled they had chosen had been already been coy righted by another body. The music duo shared that they had not been aware about not having rights to use that title.

The Amapiano and house duo dropped their recent album on the 14th of August 2020. The album was initially titled ‘Music Is King’. They then returned with another title which is similar which is now ‘Musical Kings. The duo had used a titled which had belonged to another body and other artist.

they explained on a recent tweet why they title change took place. “We unfortunately had a technical issue with the MFR Souls album title, unknowingly there was an infringement issue. We have however since corrected it and had to change the album name to ‘Musical Kings’ which we are very happy with. Apologies for the inconvenience.”

Many tweeps made commentary and questioned how they made such a mistake. As they all assume that they know that the title ‘Music Is King’ belongs r]to world acclaimed DJ, Black Coffee. Fans were shocked they they did not know that the titled was trademarked and copyrighted and owned by Black Coffee. So far the world popular DJ has not made a comment about the issue with the title and MFR Souls.

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