Music News

Rita Dee Serves Makhadzi A Defamation Lawsuit

Rita Dee Serves Makhadzi A Defamation Lawsuit. Makhadzi has recently claimed that her former manager Rita Dee Nephawe has not given her what’s due to her in finances.

Makhadzi has recently claimed that her former manager Rita Dee Nephawe has not given her what’s due to her in finances. After the claims on social media by the musician, things seem to have become tenser between them. The former manager decided to give the musician a lawsuit for defamation of character.

Rita Dee told City Press that she doesn’t want anything to do with Makhadzi and issues. The former manager asked her legal representatives to serve the musician for apparently defaming her on social media. “Last time I spoke to her was in February. It was to my surprise when she posted threats on social media because of YouTube views. I then decided to delete the YouTube videos so that I can cut ties with her completely,” says Rita Dee.

The former manager who still has other artists under her, such as Rabs Vhafuwi, says she has not received any money from YouTube for Makhadzi’s top songs Riya Venda and Matorokisi. The music videos have received over 20 million views before the manager deleted them from YouTube. She says that she has deleted the music videos after Makhadzi sent her threats on Facebook. Rita Dee also states that the musician was given R430 000 in February after their first public fight.

by Alexandra Ramaite

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