TNS On How Fake News About Him Almost Made Him Commit Suicide!

TNS On How Fake News About Him Almost Made Him Commit Suicide! TNS, real name Nkazimulo Ngema has made headlines for making hits and sometimes for stories that didn’t paint him in a positive way.
For the first time the hit maker is opening up about the dark time in his life that had him considering ending his own life. The music producer took to Instagram expressing that the suicidal thoughts where a result of his failure to respond to questions he was being asked by the press about lies people where spreading about him.
The Umona hit maker said this was the reason behind him stopping to do interviews and press. “I Stopped doing Interviews To Promote my Music Because Somehow More information About My Music is not exactly what they want but Negative ‘Sh*t’ and lies about ( TNS) which is my brand that I Worked for,” he said.
“TNS is Everything to me I Love him and I protect him in so many ways. I remember there were so many lies about me on the papers before I dropped Madlokovu. All Those lies Hurt me and disturbed my mind so bad. My way of thinking changed… I thought of killing my self because I didn’t know what and how to respond to such lies about my brand TNS.” he explained.
TNS ended off saying it was God and music that healed him. Read his full statement below.