Music News

Simphiwe Dana resurrects Jazz & Afro pop

The phenomenal, Simphiwe Dana is a multi-layered. Remember, she is also an activist. She offers annual shows to give her fans a taste of her creativity” Simphiwe Dana Annual Congregation”
We want to know as fans what experience when one gains the privilege to attend such an event.

What can people get when they attend the ‘congregation?

She impressed that People become resuscitated; it feels like a family reunion; she seems to have a fixated base of loyal fans that always drag new comrades. She further exclaimed she has regulars, people who support the movement. It is inspiring for her to test the appreciation fans have for the art.She perceives herself as a natural-born performer and she says, I always delight her to share her abilities with the world

How are you feeling after vocal surgery?

Before they hosted the annual programme, remember; she had vocal surgery. Which was scary for her fans, had it not been successful, we would have been singing a different tune. Regarding how she was feeling before performing; she stated, she was completely healed, and she performed exquisitely on the 2nd of March  2019. She committed herself knowing, it was the first time performing after the surgery took place. She said she was nervous before the performance, afraid she might fail her fans with substandard performance. Her voice is her livelihood.

How she deals with nerves before getting on the stage?

When you become a frequent performer, you come to a comprehension that your energy levels are pivotal in the outcome of your performance. And to be honest; sometimes you do deliver a performance that is monotonous and not to say the performer is incapable. The vibrancy circulating between the performer and the audience sometimes becomes a distance. She insists you cannot always usher or steer to the direction desired the atmosphere of the audience that will be experienced. Obviously, from your end, you will need to do the best you can with faith.

I think every performer ought to have a healthy nervous feeling before performing, raising that adrenalin to prompt you to be better and do more for the people.

What is important is to be present in every moment as you perform, in that case, you are guaranteed to bring out the best in you.

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